Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kenapa bila aku beli semua orang nak beli?

Barua betul la! bila aku beli O2 orang nak beli O2, aku beli suzuki swift, orang pon nak beli suzuki swift, aku beli radio baru, orang pon nak radio baru, ente tolong kidnap la sama ana.....!

I guess it's kinda true as my beloved cutie pie always use to say, that pisces are the trend setters.
Apa je orang pisces ni pakai, or use orang binatang...eh bintang lain mesti nak punya la, tak bleh tengok orang senang lenggang kangkong sikit la. Camni nak kena tukar alloy rims OZ Racing tu cepat cepat...cuz orang pisces pon are really such individualistic lot. hmmm....duit kena simpan jugak la kan for the big day, cam ni nak kena tukar kerja pulak kan?hmmm...hope I wont make too many of decisions such as these when I'm at the top of my profession. haha

Well I guess two pisces are better then one then...oi, why are you swimming to the other direction la babygirl?....lohhhhh


Blogger Jaja said...

It's the aura of a pisces ler kot... with our avant-garde taste and eccentric individuality, other signs could not help but wanting...

tak perasan ker bila kite masuk kedai kosong jer, 2-3 minutes after that, kedai tu pon ramai ler orang masuk..

boleh jadi maskot tu... hehehe

Monday, April 17, 2006 9:32:00 PM  
Blogger - said...

a ah...u're rite la roza...
saya tgk be4 awak beli swift...kaddddang-kaddddang saya baru nampak...tapi...bila awak pakai je suzuki swift...bersepah saya nampak kat tepi2 jalan...diaorg semua tu suka sgt ikut awak kan..???kan...??

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:19:00 PM  
Blogger Rozani said...

bethol la cik ujee oi!

Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:36:00 PM  

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